Back To School
Do you remember Rodney Dangerfield? He was famous for off-the-wall one-liners mostly about how he never got any respect. He said things like, “I told my psychiatrist that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous… everyone hasn't met me yet.”
To the Brewer that’s funny stuff.
“My wife was afraid of the dark until she saw me naked,” he said. “Now she says she's afraid of the light.” I know some religious folk won’t find this appropriate but truth be told, many of us can Identify. Can I hear an Amen?
Well, Rodney did a movie sometime in the eighties called Back to School. It was mostly very forgettable so you might not remember it, but movie or not, Back to School is on a lot of people’s minds these days.
New Levels/New Devils
I had a chance to speak to a couple hundred kids this last week which have reentered the fabled halls of public academia. The message I delivered in classic Brewer form was titled New Levels /New Devils. I warned these young minds full of American mush that with every new opportunity come new dangers which must be taken seriously and new responsibilities that have to be taken up.
You and I know this is how it works. If you get a bigger House, you have to pay bigger taxes and a bigger electric bill. You get a bigger car; you pay more at the pump. In the Kingdom of God this principle is a staple for every advancing believer but it is not our place to be cautious in going to the next level –its counsel to be willing to change.
The idea is not to avoid the next level. The idea is to understand that better is never easier. With advancement and promotion comes the requirement of maturity and responsibility. God wants us all to run to the next level and fully embrace the change which is required to have dominion there. It may be true that a lot more is on the line in being a General, but it is definitely better than being a buck private. So go for the next level.
Get Your Upgrade
Hunter Thompson wrote about fear and loathing in Las Vegas but the Brewer is a Herald of love and confidence in Christ Jesus. The enemy is always vulnerable to our confidence in Jesus Christ. Darkness hopes we will be see ourselves as quivering victims who are impotent, wounded and helpless. That’s not you my friend so get yourself up –way up. From faith to faith, from everlasting unto everlasting, from deep to deep just keep on going and conquer the next grade.
The Love of God never holds us back from the next level but lifts us up, propelling us forward and making us all overcomers. The Bride of Christ is not just wearing a wedding dress, we’ve also got on combat boots and the devil is scared to death we’re going to go to the next level.
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord . Romans 8:37-39
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