Thursday, February 12, 2009

Get ‘er Done

In the day that Moses lived, the world was a completely different place. Egypt was just learning how to make transparent glass and a city called Troy was being fooled by a wooden horse. Right here in Texas a bunch of Caddo Indians formed a confederacy to establish an agricultural based civilization in the big thicket. Meanwhile, corn farmers settled near Presidio, in the desert of Big Bend, establishing what would be the oldest continuously cultivated farmland in Texas. Some 3500 years of plowing, planting and picking goes on today.

That feller Moses left his mark on the world. He’s been a hero to many people for many centuries and I want to tell you why he’s my mine. I love how he talked with God face to face. I love how he confronted Pharaoh and demanded an end to four hundred years of slavery. I love how he parted the waters and cross the red sea on dry land but none of those things put him on the Brewer’s top ten list of amazing Biblical people.

There is one thing about Moses which makes him stand out and makes me want to stand up and applaud; but it is easily overlooked. While it seems less spectacular, it’s just as supernatural. The Bible says in lots of places (Heb. 8:5; Acts 7:44; Ex. 25:9 Ex. 26:30; Num. 8:4.) this amazing statement….Moses built the tabernacle according to the plan that was shown him on the mountain.

This might not seem like a big deal to you, but it is to me. The brother could carry out the plan. Even though he was surrounded by knuckleheads and had very limited resources, he accomplished his God-given vision. What a man!

I think God tells most of us great things to do all the time but there are very few who actually carry out those plans. Accomplishing vision is a big deal these days.

The King James boys translated 1 PETER 1:13 to say we should “gird up the loins of your mind”. The authorized Brewer version of this verse would say we should “Prepare your mind for action

I think it’s about time a lot of us decided to actually do something. God isn’t asking us to take charge over things. He’s asking us to take action and take responsibility. Accomplishing vision is all about fulfilling Gods heart and if we had more action and fewer committees, opinions and politics, the world would be a better place.

So let the Brewer encourage you to get off your blessed assurance and put action to what’s in your heart to do. I think it’s a year of accelerated advancement and rapid response. What didn’t work before is likely to work now if you’ll just be willing to carry out the plan.

Commit your works (actions) to the LORD, And your thoughts (plans) will be established. (succeed) Proverbs 16:3 (NKJV)

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