Friday, February 5, 2010

Dreaming on the Rock

Just south of LLano and a little northwest of Fredricksburg is an amazing place known as “Enchanted Rock." It's a chunk of pink granite taking up more than 650 acres and rises about 450 feet in the air. It’s inspiring, magnificent and beautiful. I love to go there.

Chasing The Dream
For thousands of years, the local Indians would make pilgrimages to there because they believed the rock had supernatural power and was a place of dreaming. The first European to visit the area was probably Cabeza de Vaca. This half-naked spanish explorer and renown faith healer stopped by in 1536, after being shipwrecked in Galveston.

It's the kind of place that calls to explorers and dreamers. The kind of place where God shows up in a really neat way — if you want to see Him.

Last Thursday, I woke up after three days of a powerful conference and I wanted to get out of town. So Leanna and I left for Enchanted Rock in hope of finding a “love shack” to "hole up" in for a few days. What we found was far above our expectations in an amazing bed and breakfast called, Trois Estate.

Building The Dream
Rebecca and Charles Trois left the hustle and bustle of Austin’s high society to build something amazing and then share it with the rest of us. This elegant, European-style getaway at Enchanted Rock is a hand-built village by the two of them. The houses have wine bottles in the walls, so light shines through, imported doors that are hundreds of years old, a saloon modeled after the birdcage in Tombstone, details, finishes and collectibles from places only imagined by most of us, a spa, an underground grotto, artisan market and an amazing Italian restaurant where Rebecca is the chef. Charles is an artist and this village is their passion — their dream.

Living The Dream
Enchanted Rock had done it again and when this explorer and dreamer showed up there last Thursday — I was blown away.

It is so important for you and I to be dreamers. We are not here just to survive but to thrive and live life more abundantly. I think God has gotten a bad wrap as a dream killer because so many fuddy-duddy religious people have misrepresented him. My Friend Dave Crone says, “The Pharisees were the dream killers of Jesus’ day,” and indeed they were.

I don’t know if Rebecca and Charles are Christians but they sure have a thing or two to teach most of us Christians about the Kingdom. They were hospitable, giving, happy and world changing kind of people that dared to dream big and make it happen.
I think Jesus is like that. Knowing this truth makes me want to live life all the more and that's the kind people all Christians should be.

"When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion, we were like those who dream."
Psalms 126:1

The Brewer pastors Open Door Ministries near Joshua and Crowley and can be reached at or

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