Thursday, April 1, 2010


This week’s confession of a highly caffeinated Christian comes boldly perked with a seasonal blend. Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Morning. It’s not just a great time of year to sell little rabbits at the feed store, Its an amazing season to contemplate History’s greatest hinge.

When I think about how Jesus lived, suffered, died and then slapped death in the face for me, I think about some things only a weirdo like me would think about. One of those things is Time Travel. Yes-time travel.

I would love to go back through time and actually witness Jesus in the flesh. Being a Christian I believe He was God made flesh, not just God pretending to be a man, so I tend to think other weird things too. Would I be able to talk to him since I don’t speak Hebrew? Nobody actually spoke English 2000 years ago, much less Texan.

Maybe I would have to be a fly on a wall somehow and just observe. So on my time travel list of Jesus things to see would have to be, the feeding of the five thousand. Oh I would so want to see Jesus walking on the water and defending the woman caught in the act. What were you writing on the ground there, Jesus? So many things but more than all of that, even more than actually being in the house with the disciples when Jesus showed up after the resurrection, I would want to somehow be there the day he carried the cross.

Years ago I used to think about being in Jerusalem on that day and how I would love to be there just to encourage him some how. I would love to give him a drink when he was so thirsty. I would love to clothe him when they tore his robe off of him. Anything to ease His pain or lighten his burden of what He was going through for my sake. If there was no way to do any of that, If I could just be one face in the hateful crowd that yelled back, “Thank you, Jesus!” You can do it Lord! Its not always going to be like this!”
This one day changes everything, Lord. Thank you sir, I love you sir!”. Anything, so He wasn't so alone as He made that march for all of us.

So one night in prayer about ten years ago, I was praying and complaining to God about my lack of a time machine to do such a thing. “Yes, Lord I do plan to stop by the Alamo and make sure Davie Crocket knows you in his heart, but I want to come and love on you when you were hurting so bad.”

In an instant, in a way like only God can, and in a way like is a little different for each of us, I felt God speak a word into my heart. “You already do and you have many times.”is what God said to me. a split second later, I was thinking about Matthew 25 and How Jesus said if we would give somebody who was a thirsty, a drink of water He would count it as if we did it to him. If we would visit folks in prison and clothe the naked and help hurting people he would count it as if we fed and clothed and helped Him when he needed it.

Come to find out I have done a lot of time traveling over the years. This last saturday, me and my friends were able to give food and clothes away to over 700 people, and in that, I was able to encourage somebody who was hurt and feed somebody who was hungry. I never left the county or the current year but in the eyes of Jesus I was there with HIm when he was hurting the most

I can’t go back through time like I would like to, but I get to live for Jesus right now in a way I shouldn't be able to. Happy resurrection day guys and God bless you in living out a life that proves he is risen.

“I see the face of Jesus in every hurting person I take care of.” Mother Theresa

Troy Pastors Open Door Ministries near Joshua and can be found through and

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